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What are the Benefits of Using Circle Hooks for Catch-and-Release Fishing in Clearwater?

Circle hooks are the best catch-and-release choice for several reasons.

Catch-and-release fishing is mandatory in Florida in many cases. Catch-and-release fishing tactics resemble harvest fishing tactics. But the equipment is much different.

Circle hooks are a good example. These hooks are strong but lightweight and safe to handle, even for inexperienced anglers. Other benefits of circle hooks include reduced gut-hooking, shorter dehooking time, and fewer lost fish. More on these things below.

The professional team members at Angler 360 have hands-on experience with all kinds of sport fishing in Florida, including delicate catch-and-release fishing. We point you in the right direction. Furthermore, our large inventory is not stored in a warehouse. It is on display for you to see with your own eyes and handle with your own fingers, so you always get the right tool for the job.

Why Use Catch and Release Fishing Hooks

You may want to use catch and release hooks for a few different reasons. First, you might be focused on conservation and want to do as much as possible, including going beyond the catch-and-release law’s minimum requirements, to protect state fisheries. Second, maybe your catch is not within the legal regulations, so you need to release it. Third, perhaps you simply enjoy fishing but do not want to take any fish home to eat.

Types of Catch and Release Hooks

If you are not sure what type of hooks are best if you plan to release your catch or how to use them, don’t worry. There are just a few different types of hooks that are used for catch and release. You can try one or two of these types of hooks the next time you go fishing.

In addition to using these types of catch-and-release hooks, there are other ways that you can help protect fish populations by applying catch-and-release best practices.

Reach out to Angler 360 to learn more about these best practices.